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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions - Shower Door Installation


1. Shower door panel does not align with both top and bottom bumpers.

Determine whether door panel top or bottom is closer to the wall, and then adjust the rollers as per the troubleshooting guide in the instructions.

2. Outside and/or inside panel is difficult to move.

a. To fix, ensure a gap exists between the bottom track, center guide and the door panel. If the door panel is touching either the bottom track or the bottom of center guide, lower the rollers in the slots to raise the door panel. 

b. Ensure the panel is properly engaged over the bottom track and center guide. 

c. Ensure the rollers are properly installed and adjusted. 

d. Clear any debris from the top track groove.

3. The top track is cut too short by more than ¼”.

This will be difficult to repair and a new track kit must be purchased and top track must be cut correctly.

4. The bottom track is cut too short.

Seal as directed as per the troubleshooting guide in the instructions to ensure watertight seal. If additional sealant proves insufficient to create a water barrier, a new bottom-track may be required.

5. Mis-cut top and/or bottom tracks.

If track mis-cut is too long, take several measurements to assure of the correct value, then trim or file the track as required to the correct length. Reinstall per instructions. If mis-cut is too short by less than 1/4", then apply caulk to the gap created. If mis-cut is too short by more than 1/4", it is recommended to purchase another track, then cut to the correct size and reinstall per the instructions.

6. Center guide overhangs from threshold with the Contemporary Style track.

Depending on your enclosure, threshold widths can vary. If you find your center guide slightly overhangs from the threshold, this is ok. This does not affect the safety or function of the door and acts only as a guide to keep the glass panels properly aligned.

7. Traditional Style track side jambs:

If your enclosure wall to wall width is at the below dimensions or more, you can flip your side jambs to increase the glass overlap by 1”:

  • 48” surround: flip at 46 7/8” so "Big H" is facing the wall
  • 60” surround: flip at 57 7/8” so "Big H" is facing the wall

Sliding Bathtub Shower Door Track Side Jambs – Little HSliding Bathtub Shower Door Track Side Jambs – Big H




1. Door will not stay closed:

Check position of spring catch and adjust spring catch screws to ensure plunger extends behind strike jamb edge, then check strike jamb adjustment.

Pivoting Shower Door Latch

2. Door contacts bottom threshold or is hard to close.

a. Check to be sure pivot pin is installed into door pivot hole.

b. Check position of drip rail to ensure proper position on door.

Note: Removal and reattachment of Drip Rail may be difficult.  If removal not possible, trim flat seal to add clearance.

3. Poor glass door alignment and function.

a. Bottom track hole may be drilled incorrectly.  Check location with drilling template.  If incorrect, new track kit must be purchased and re-installed per instructions.

b. Check distance for consistency with location of top clamp and bottom clamp.  Top and bottom clamp should be the same distance from the vertical edge of the glass panel. Remove the clamps and re-install as needed. Tighten securely. 

c. Check to see if top track header is correctly installed along top of each wall jamb.

4. Water leaks along edge of door and strike jamb.

a. Make sure strike jamb gasket is installed correctly.

b. Make sure bottom track is installed correctly. 

c. Check adjustment of jamb.

5. Top bolt is difficult to insert into pivot block.

If needed, lift the header slightly to improve angle of top bolt and pivot block hole.



1. I am missing parts.

Please call 1-800-964-4850. Be sure to check all 3 packages before discarding.

2. Video tool online.

For assistance in installing your shower door, please visit and locate the “Installation and Care” tab at the top right corner of the page to view videos or print instructions.

3. Simplicity with Knobs:

Make sure you install the knobs on the interior panel facing the shower so the doors can properly bypass one another. If your shower doors are unable to bypass one another after installation, uninstall the knobs and ensure that they face the shower enclosure when re-installed.